(upbeat music)
- I'm Scott.
- I'm Russell.
- I'm Leo.
This is Spitball.
Welcome to Spitball, the Pitchin' Kitchen.
Where three lovable scamps, that's us,
empty our heads of all of the startup
and tech product ideas that we have stuck up in there
and you can all have them for free.
Anything that we say is yours to keep.
All right, Russell, what do you got?
All right, guys.
So my brother, he's been a he's been in the pro gaming scene.
He's not a gamer himself.
He like ran teams and ran teams.
Yeah. Like he was like a manager, like a general manager for programming.
He managed pro game teams.
Yeah. Crazy.
He helped get sponsors, do all this stuff.
And then you start seeing all these like, you know, they're athletes, guys.
These are these e-sporter athletes.
Of course. Yes.
It's a college sport now, right?
Yeah. You get scholarships, you get D1, T1 schools.
I don't know if that's awesome.
And so but yeah, now you have all these gaming.
It's there.
If you think of them as athletes, right?
What do professional athletes like sell?
Like what's their branding?
They sell like shoes, jerseys, all that other gear.
OK. OK. One thing that's crazy.
Okay, this is a mental game, right?
So you gotta train your brain.
You gotta fuel it.
All right.
You gotta make sure it's up at the top of the game.
So you gotta, you gotta take your supplements to make your
brain the best brain possible.
I'm talking about, I are like daily vitamins for gamers.
Performance enhancing.
Oh my God.
Uh, not drugs.
performance enhancements to your gaming, okay?
Increase your reaction time.
- Sure.
- Be more focused.
Don't just drink caffeine.
Take the healthy way, right?
Here's what's crazy.
I take B vitamins every once in a while.
You guys ever like, it's the natural stimulants.
Pop a five hour energy.
Have you ever taken, like,
five hour energies really change my brain?
In a good way.
- For the better or worse, okay.
- Really?
I like, like it's not like I'm shaky and stuff.
- How so?
- It's, I can, I'm just like connected to what I'm doing.
Like I'm more, I'm less shaky, I'm less like ADD.
It's like an ADD add on, I don't know.
It's like reduces it.
So I take, I would take not 5-Hour Energies,
but my buddy, our buddy, Sean Lin,
he told me about these B vitamin things.
I start taking them and I'm like,
whoa, I can like work better, focus more.
- This isn't like placebo, you're actually feeling like,
"Oh crap, this is really helping."
- Yes, B vitamins. - That's awesome.
- Really?
- Multiplex, I don't know what the heck they get at Costco,
but this like giant bar of them,
I take it, makes your pee like Gatorade green.
I don't know what.
So talk about, are you sure you weren't just
vitamin deficient before? - It's not a side effect,
it's a feature.
- I might be vitamin, like I might need more B vitamins
in my life.
All that to say, all right, sometimes when you're,
like even when you're lifting, right,
some people take it and you get the mind-body connection
better, right?
I'm talking about a set of vitamins
that you probably should take.
Gamers are not the most nutritious type of people, right?
And so you kind of sell it like IRLs, your dailies.
Like there's all these terms that gamers use
when they're doing like gaming.
So you got your dailies, your weeklies, your monthlies
or whatever, turn those into vitamins
and now you're a better gamer, right?
Stop drinking G fuel.
- This idea is growing on me.
- Okay, this is good.
Like it's your pre-workout before your game.
Take, yes, like.
- This idea is brilliant because it already exists
and you just wanna put a different label on it.
This is a marketing pitch.
This is not a, yeah.
going to buy not endorsed by the FDA dot com real quick.
People do it all the time.
They just take you could partner.
There's got to be some GNC drugstore brand that's ready to partner with you.
You become the consultant. Yes.
That's that's so smart, too.
You probably don't have to change any recipe or anything.
I'm sure there is something out there that is currently being mass produced
that you could market in the right way to be like, enhance your,
you know, mental abilities and reflexes up by X percent.
You stamp a lightning bolts or something on it.
- Yeah.
- Exactly.
You have a big display case that's RGB.
I'm in.
- Yes, none of it's FDA regulated too.
So literally vitamins, supplements.
Yeah, there's this weird.
- What?
- Yeah, protein powder, I guess,
and all this other stuff is just not,
you're kind of at your own risk there.
I don't know the full, don't quote me on it,
but I know it's not like the same as food and drugs.
I don't know why they're allowed to do it.
- It's a mixture of both, which means unregulated.
- Which, but also--
- We were the Food or Drugs Administration, not ant drugs.
We can't do food or drugs at the same time.
- They'll never see it coming.
- Oh, that's so smart.
It's so, not easy, but like,
it's so doable to advertise for that too.
Couple of intense gamer influencers,
or just call your brother.
I mean, yeah, he could.
There's connections out there and people would take this
and like it replaces the Mountain Dews, it replaces
all the other stuff that people are supplements probably more aware of now.
Yeah. Like those are our current supplements for gamers, right?
Like we drink my Mountain Dew or have all this other stuff.
But now it's like, oh, I'm just going to pop a I don't know, a stimpack
or something, you know, you call it like Dimpak.
Oh, Stimpak's a good name for that.
Yeah, like video gamey recognizable as Fallout.
But yeah, there you go.
Like or partner with Bethesda, there's probably some like, yeah,
it's fallout fallout over 20 years old yet.
Oh my gosh. OK, here's you.
You can rebrand it or like have special editions for certain games.
You want to promote that new game coming out.
We we rebranded this to match your, you know, this game
Instead of the Flintstone vitamins or little Zelda vitamins now,
little Minecraft creepers, you must construct additional vitamins.
It's like the Halo Mountain Dew or World of Warcraft Mountain Dews
or whatever a dish Call of Duty does this all the time, you know.
But get a special code when you buy our vitamins.
God, you could just keep diving into this more and more.
This is the best one for RTS.
This is the best one for first person shooters for this reason.
Yeah, and there are some gamers that are just like, I invest all my money
into my gaming setup.
Why not invest it in?
Yeah, like invest in yourself.
Yes. Oh, wow.
I'm a better gamer every day.
I put my take my supplements.
I do my stretches.
You know, we could be the.
If you see like those hand exercises that you like,
and it can extend your fingers with that little rubber thing in the center,
have that as part of the promotion.
That's the starter kit.
Increased strength in your hand.
This is a starter thumb workout regimens
and then just a bottle of Adderall.
Dude, I think that's like right in a way.
Adderall is the the illegal substance, I think, in gaming
or like there's got to be like a line right in there.
But so where where the the you know, the regular supplements
before you go down hard drugs,
giving it crap.
But I actually I really like this idea.
Do let's just do it.
This will be the first product released on Spitball.
And last, once the FDA shuts us down, because your honor, we swear
we thought that that wasn't regulated.
We had disclaimers may not do anything.
Dude, that's what liquid IV is, though, right?
Like you get like people buy that shit all the time for like, I don't know.
Yeah, it's just powdered Gatorade, right?
It's great.
I love it.
They just took Gatorade powder and put it in pouches.
Pedialyte, yeah.
They'll be vials though.
They'll be in glass vials with a cork.
Oh God.
Are there mixed drink or beer or alcohol
that's marketed as like the healthy option?
Not like light beers,
but something that has vitamins and stuff in it.
That seems like a niche too.
Some kind of kombucha if I had to guess.
You're gonna drink the Bud Light anyway,
but what about Bud Light Enhanced
that has 12 essential vitamins and minerals?
- Bud Light Enhanced.
Didn't the vitamin water people get sued
'cause they were saying their drink is healthy?
- It's just sugar water, yeah.
Vitamin water is way far away
from like Gatorade and Pedialyte, yeah.
- Okay, what if you combine liquid IV in a drink,
liquid IV and alcohol, okay?
No hangover, you can drink as much as you possibly want
because every time you drink, you're actually
having a liquid IV too.
Oh, man.
Did we just solve hangovers for the--
I think that's it.
And you have to buy 10 of them and drink them all in order
to feel anything.
So we have our built-in recurring revenue.
All right, we'll sprinkle a little ibuprofen
in every bottle, all right?
We just--
Grind up ibuprofen in liquid IV, put it in an alcoholic drink.
We'll call it Five Loko.
Five ibuprofen in each.
All right, we strayed away from your idea, but I love it.
I mean, it's applicable to other industries, right?
I feel like you could apply this to school, maybe.
I don't know.
You could say, hey, instead of being a better gamer,
you're a better student, right?
You could rebrand it to that.
It's about training the brain, making
it have all the vitamins, the soup that your brain is sitting
is filled and ready to go for your day.
I don't know.
- You're selling me.
It's just truly a marketing exercise there.
- It really is.
- Existing products, slap your own label on,
drop ship it, and then advertise like crazy.
- Dude, and like, sometimes vitamins are like,
all these vitamins are a little confusing.
Like, should I take D3, fish oil?
There's an element of like, all right,
what vitamin do I take?
Let's just gamify it a little bit.
Or make it just more like, oh, I take these every day
because it's just what IRL vitamins or dailies, my dailies tell me.
Right. There is definitely a skew toward old in the multivitamin
like centrum silver looking like I've I've never really taken a multivitamin
before because it looks like it's targeted toward people who are 100 years old.
If there was some hip and trendy with the hashtag teens multivitamin,
I might at least look at it.
You know, I walk by that island think that I cannot possibly be relevant to my life right now
And maybe I'm just gotta be something between the Flintstones. Yeah, exactly
Okay, what is the Gen Z? We'll call it like slay, you know slay your day
Slay vitamins
Every day slay
Your everyday slay yeah, multivitamins suck by the way
I just feel like there's something about multivitamins that I don't like. They're targeted towards old people.
How would you say neon green urine afterwards?
I mean it feels, when I take my B vitamins, it feels like I'm doing something. Even if it doesn't because of
Because my pee comes out a little like neon. Like I don't want to, but all that to say is it's like oh man
I'm performance enhancing right now.
All right, Scott, what do you got?
- All right, so this is a very half-baked one
that I was thinking about literally on the way over here.
So the IRS, off to a good start,
allows you to do, like you can do deductions
for your home business right here.
I can write off pretty much anything
as long as it's related to my business.
If I'm using a certain room in my house,
I can say that it's my office
and this many square feet goes towards that.
If I'm driving somewhere for my business,
picking up something, buying parts,
I can write off the gas that I used on that
and any maintenance on my car.
There is so much potential in there,
and I'm wondering, is there a way that we could optimize
that or create an easy guide or blog or something
in order to guide people to get the most that they can
out of their tax return at the end of the year?
Not like H&R Block or TurboTax being like,
oh, you can deduct this and this.
Like, no, we're gonna help you set up a business
and do the absolute minimal work possible
for the IRS to consider it a business
and also give you a step-by-step instructions
of what you're allowed to write off
up to how much you're allowed to write off
before it raises a flag at the IRS.
Please don't come after me.
- You wanna create the next TurboTax.
This is a supplemental TurboTax,
but instead of marking all the things
that you got for income or whatever,
you are marking all of the,
it's asking you a question and answer style.
- Yeah, more of like the precursor to that.
Like here is how you do this throughout the year.
You could set up a business, call it whatever you want,
and you claim that it does this,
and by doing that and these couple additional steps,
maybe you could sell one item or however much it requires
for it to be considered a business.
- Dude, it makes sense.
People do this all the time.
Like people are doing this every,
it's like every single person.
- Oh yeah, absolutely.
- Right?
So there's, I feel like two ways to look at it, right?
Can I, how broad can I be?
What's the business that's super broad?
And then what can I write off?
- Yep.
- And like the minimal amount of work, right?
So it's like, I think of vloggers, right?
You can be the worst vlogger or podcaster.
- But as long as you have a vlog up on a website
that is talking relatively close
to what you're vlogging about, that's brilliant.
- Every time you try to-
- You needed that $6,000 gaming rig for editing.
We've seen a 600,000% increase in vloggers this year.
- Guys, when you travel, every time you travel,
just take a vlog video, upload it to YouTube.
Doesn't have to be good.
It's just gotta be there.
And then the IRS is like, I guess you did this for work.
Wow. (laughs)
I mean, when they watch the video, it'll be bad,
but like that's, you can write off everything.
- If you haven't messed up your taxes before,
the IRS gives you one freebie.
So maybe we're gonna use up to that freebie.
- That freebie is a secret.
- So the punishment, the stick that the IRS wields
is the audit, right?
So maybe how you guarantee this with your insurance
that you're selling to them is audit guidance
or protection, 'cause this is gonna make your chances
skyrocket, right?
- Oh.
- Right?
So you'd have the, you are more likely to get audited
and here's exactly what you need.
Let us help you prepare for it ahead of time
so that it's easy to go through by the TurboTax audit insurance.
That's it's one step.
No, that's a really good idea, though.
Gives you a guide of how to make it as least likely as possible to get audited
while still optimizing your deductions and tax return.
How to start a sham business to
commit tax fraud.
Step one, don't call it a sham.
I mean, like, that's the thing.
If you make it like what is defining the business,
it's not the quality of the business, right?
It's you don't have to be a good business to get a write off,
which is why. Yeah, you could.
Like you could start a fitness blog or a travel blog,
and all you do is write off.
I go and travel all the time.
Every time I travel, I take 50% of the costs.
Oh, I like that.
You start as a questionnaire on our on this website
that guides you through this process.
You'd be like, what do you do?
Like, do you like exercise?
Do you like birdwatching?
Do you like whatever?
Put your hobbies and your work and everything in here,
and we will give you the optimal business, the optimal write offs for it.
You drive a company car.
You live in company housing.
It's the company of housing.
Yeah, right.
I mean, churches and schools and stuff do it.
Universities, I mean, it's got to be legal for them to own housing
and rent it or give it free to an employee.
It's not like a huge win, right?
You're not going to be making unless you're making a lot of money or not.
You're you'll I don't know how much money is there,
like five grand a year, maybe, let's say in tax.
I'd be I'd do that in a heartbeat if I could get five.
Yeah, that's true.
That's pretty huge.
Like but like even like two to three grand.
But then you're kind of, I don't know, doing you can
you can actually apply it to something that you're interested in doing.
You're in a way helping people create a starting point for their business.
Right. Like that they may be interested in.
Like, "Oh, I've always wanted to start a blah business.
Great, let's put that under this umbrella."
Maybe it's like umbrella-izing a bunch of people's ideas
or what they do.
- This pitch you've devised requires a small army
of extremely proficient tax lawyers
who are willing to commit tax fraud.
- Nope, just one very disgruntled accountant.
- There you go. - That's true.
- I suppose that once you set it up once,
unless there's a big change in tax law,
It doesn't need to be changed too much, right?
I guess your exit strategy is do this until you force the IRS
to change the rules because you've broken the system so much.
And what's so wrong with that?
Right. Like Congress isn't going to pass any changes.
I don't know.
I think a lot of people are becoming more savvy to this, too.
I think you're just helping an already existing trend
make more sense to people so you don't feel like the dangers of
Am I going to get audited?
It's intimidating because you're afraid of that audit.
But at the same time, you don't need to go out and even get an LLC
or a partnership for this.
You could do this as a sole proprietor.
Here's my small business. Here's my write offs.
And you know what? I do this.
I do this to some extent.
I still have my consulting technology business. Right.
And it it was booming before COVID or during COVID.
And then it kind of is like petering off. Right.
I throw some money in there, but every time I buy like AirPods or something, right?
I put it, it's a business expense, but then there's a lot of, you know, gray area.
Let's say that.
Don't quote me IRS, but like this is a, for the podcast,
we're entertaining purposes only.
Uh, but sometimes you buy a thing, you know, like a pair of AirPods or a new
computer and sure, 50% of it's being used for business.
You write 100% of it off, right?
One ear pod is for business.
The other one's for me for entertainment purposes only.
But yes, that's exactly like it's I mean, that's the thing.
I mean, accountants that we've talked to or I've worked with in the past
are always like it is a little bit the IRS is going to want you to do this.
And when you do the audit, it's just about correcting what you did wrong.
They're not like trying to dig for fines at you the whole time.
at least my understanding.
So never been audited.
So people have been audited.
Feel free to join our show.
We can love to hear you.
That's the way.
But yeah, right in podcasts, it's about that show.
It's about your recent audit experience.
Next week, I really wish I hadn't said that.
All right, Leo, what's your idea?
All right.
So the thing that makes the time hop app successful, that
app that you sign into, and then it pops up 10 years ago,
you did this right is nostalgia.
People love a play where they are reminded of old moments.
The thing that they had forgotten about is dug back up from
the Internet.
I am weird in that I have nostalgia for early technology that I owned, and I think that I'm not alone in this.
So, this is part time hop, knockoff, and part forum signature generator.
I would love to have a web app, a website that I go to, and I just type in and search for every phone that I have owned from the beginning to the end to generate an image to share with.
It is so easy to make something like that viral where you have the image that it spits out with your website.com
watermarked in the corner where you just say you're the first five
laptops that I had
20 years ago to now and how they've changed and see them all stacked up side by side and to get
Specs and to see release date and how long did you have them and all that stuff and a nice little infographic generator
I'd love to have a forum signature generator where I can put in every phone
I've owned 'cause I kind of do it by hand in Photoshop once in a while when I remember.
And I've got 15, 20 phones on there and it's fun to see them all side by side.
And people have weird pride for things like that.
I think I'm not alone.
So yeah, I want to go to smartphone.history and type in everything and get like a, you
know, there's databases out there of every phone ever made with pictures and stuff.
You could even see them like relative to size to see how big all the phones have gotten
over the years.
And you have that built in virality.
Like I said, you've got your share to Facebook,
share to Twitter, share to Mastodon,
share to whatever buttons right on it.
And people can collaborate and talk about them.
Here's the link to mine, what's yours?
And you just kind of have a little thing
to reminisce over, you know?
- Yes, I love this.
I had the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 when it was popular.
- Is that the exploding one?
- That's the exploding one.
That you can't bring out an airplane?
But you don't have it anymore, right? You would have sent it in.
I can't disclose that legally.
The IRS is listening still.
They called their friends at the FBI.
They're calling over.
No, I think it's cool because like especially for millennial types like us who kind of grew up with the boom,
you can kind of see, oh you had the Nokia, like how cool would it be to have the Nokia phone that everybody talks about in your
or your list, right?
People wanna talk about that.
- There were moments, the first iPhone
and the Motorola Razr.
And there were these iconic devices for us.
There were the shitty Verizon feature phones,
like the LG Chocolate or whatever, right?
So people are like, "Oh, I totally remember
"having that one specific thing."
And it's kind of this bonding experience
for young millennials like us, I guess.
- Okay, have you heard of TierList.com?
- Or you can like, it's, it reminds me of that.
You have like S, A.
- What is it?
- You rank.
- The tier maker.
- Yeah, you rank random things, right?
So like Disney movies, you rank them from S tier,
A tier, B, C, D.
And people then talk about,
why the heck did you rate it D or C or A or F or S, right?
- Totally.
- And so everybody's talking about that.
So I guess it's kind of like,
if you created a similar app that does that,
but for your history of, I mean,
you can apply this to devices,
you can apply this to other things,
but like, that's cool.
Totally doable and totally viral.
Like, yeah.
- And as a side note,
I do need to make an S tier, A tier, B tier list
of every phone I've ever owned now.
- You see?
- He's gonna start on that immediately.
- Palm pre, number one, baby.
Never let webOS die.
- Dude, that's how you start it.
That's how you market it.
Go to MarketLeo.
You do the tier list of phones
and you say, I built this on-
- Tier maker, yeah.
- Time phone.
- Oh, you're thinking mine should be just a direct knockoff
this new site?
- Did you do a little bit of,
I mean, you can't copyright tier list, right?
Like that's just a freaking box.
- Use it as a very encouraging baseline
for what you're doing.
- I think the secret sauce of this would be the database
that it pulls from, right?
You could have, all I type in is Palm Pre or iPhone
and it's the list of all of them.
- Yeah, I do not remember any types of phones that I have,
but just the very general, like it was like an Evo,
something, something, something.
And if you popped up all the ones with filter by what carrier I was on
filter by a couple of years where I know I had it.
Oh, there it is.
Oh, wow. That's right. It did look like that.
You know, you have that moment for yourself and then you share it
because you're excited about it.
Nostalgia is such a big seller for that, too.
I really wanted one of the first ideas I ever wanted to try
and I never got around to it.
So here you can have this one for free, too.
I always wanted to do like a day in the life of me.
That would be the name of the company.
And you go and you rent.
This is before body cams were a thing.
You essentially rent a body cam and you wear it all day.
It just to be like, well, what was a day in the life of high school?
Scott, like, and you know, it goes to all the sporting.
They ran cross country.
He did homework.
His walk to school or whatever.
I'd love to see that right now.
What I was doing, who I was talking to, what people look like.
And I'm sure 20 years from this moment right now, I'd love to see
what I'm doing today.
So it's just a way to encourage that.
But then technology got too fast and caught up.
Now everyone's got a camera in their pocket.
It's incriminating too now.
Everybody's so worried about everybody, you know, self-incriminating.
Body cams for life.
No, sir.
Body cams don't invoke a happy feelings in people right now.
Cameras on the face or wherever in general, people had a pretty
allergic reaction to a few years back with like Google glass and all that.
That'd be cool for the tier list though.
Like you said, like, I don't know, I bought the Google glass.
I owned it.
You know?
interesting tech accessories you've owned over the years or something. Yeah.
I don't know. I feel like there's elements. Yeah. Like what else is there?
Like I think just display, like there's like trophies,
things that you don't want to throw away, you know,
and then you want to take a picture or have some sort of validation of it.
I had this, you know, that way you could throw it away,
get rid of the box or whatever. Sure. Um, whoa.
If you say blockchain or NFT though, I'm kicking you off the show.
- Oh, there we go.
Let's bring it back.
- No digital trophies.
- Right?
I don't, I think there's something there.
(upbeat music)
- All right, so we had one of our first guests write-ins
with submitting an idea.
All they have said here though is "grinder for dogs."
And I'm not really sure where they were trying
to go for this one.
So thank you, Phil @PJPhil.
Yeah, so.
- If you'd like to send in your own ideas,
it's [email protected].
They could be as simple as that pitch.
- We can make this work.
Okay, so--
- Does Grindr for dogs insist that they're gay?
- No, I was more thinking of like the GPS aspects of it,
but like--
- What is the GPS aspect of Grindr?
- Grindr is fascinating compared to the other dating apps.
So like Tinder or Bumble or whatever,
they're all looking, you know,
you can see someone's profile
The mechanism is swipe left or right.
Grinder is just, hey, these are the people within your area.
X proximity.
And here's their profiles.
That you can react to from there.
So so it's always changing.
Yeah. So maybe grinder for dogs would be you go to a dog park and like deer.
Oh man, how would this work?
You set up your profile.
They set up their profiles.
They bang in our dogs, banging each other.
You know, I think that's where they have.
That's where the confusion.
No, you pull up and hold on.
Oh, I got you still thinking.
What is what is this guy trolling us?
You pull up in a parking lot
and you happen to glance at your app
and says there are currently 12 dogs here.
There's this, this, this and this.
He needs a little bit of distance.
That one over there is super extra friendly
and loves the breed that you happen to have.
That's amazing.
You get the full profile of any dogs that are coming here.
Or, you know, who's at the dog park at this time.
You can look at the popularity of the different times
or your dog is a best friend if you go to a dog park enough.
The Pokédex for dogs.
The Pokédex for dogs.
There you go.
He's taking a picture of the dog and it knows.
On Grindr.
No, I'm just...
They can play, I guess.
Like, I wonder what else you could do.
Like, so is it...
I wonder if he was like, when he submitted this, was looking for like an app to like play with dogs or, you know, did he leave a description?
Like, is it like, hey, let's do some doggy playdates.
The message consisted of those three words,
grinder for dogs.
So that is what we are working with here.
- You know, quality posts for quality podcasts.
You know what I mean?
Yeah, okay, all right.
So GPS dog hangouts, how do you monetize that?
- Yeah, that's how it is every time.
Just put a bunch of chewy heads on there and call it good.
There is a chewy within 5.6 miles from you.
Or chowhound, whatever they're called.
- Love bones.
Love bones.
But okay, but maybe there's a little bit of a market
for like dog breed matching or something.
Like people wanna breed their dogs.
I don't know.
Like, is there a market for that?
- Based on GPS location, like.
- I need my dog to get pregnant now.
sexy Dalmatians in your area.
I don't know.
I feel like that's hard.
I feel like that's not usually an urgent thing that they need done, but maybe.
I mean, it's maybe just hard to find other dogs.
You know, it's hard out here being a dog, looking for other dogs
to make babies, I guess.
But I don't know.
I mean, those are some that's like a promoting backroom
breeding or something.
Just like.
Thanks, Phil.
What is this guy thinking?
Either too much or not enough, I'm not sure.
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