Deliveries Bag, Fish Finder, Modern CB Radios, and Anti-Squirrel Artillery Cannon
Ep. 10

Deliveries Bag, Fish Finder, Modern CB Radios, and Anti-Squirrel Artillery Cannon

Episode description

Special thanks to Carl for joining us on this episode! Check out our website at Email us feedback, comments, and ideas at [email protected].

Follow us on Mastodon and the Fediverse at @[email protected]. Our subreddit is /r/SpitballShow.

Our intro/outro music is Swingers by the Bonkers Beat Club.

The product listing for “USB type Low Level Laser Therapy Apparatus for the Orla Ulcer & Throat Home Treatment”:

00:00:00 - Intro
00:00:49 - Best of AliExpress
00:08:46 - Delivery Bags
00:18:48 - Fish Finder
00:30:06 - Modern CB Radios
00:41:14 - Anti-Squirrel Artillary Cannon
00:56:45 - Outro

8:46Delivery Bags
18:48Fish Finder
30:06Modern CB Radios
41:14Anti-Squirrel Artillary Cannon